Gain a Deep knowledge of our Client’s product(s) and processes
By a thorough analysis of: product requirements and specifications; Class notations; Regulatory-Body requirements; construction standards; ship’s design; systems-engineering; engineering drawings; Client’s production means, processes and “construction-strategy”; etc.

Agree a tailored solution with Client, maximizing value and benefits provided
Such solution is generally graded into the following categories:
Consulting: assess and support radical improvement of the so called “critical business processes” (i.e., the ones which have the biggest impact on Client’s operative performance and profitability)
Engineering: develop high-quality drawings, fully adapted to Client production-means and processes, ensuring full "product-manufacturability" and systems integration
Production-support: support performance of core processes and the development; installation; commissioning and certification of on-board "critical systems"
Project management: support management of scarce resources, for ensuring achievement of project’s contractual lead time and budget.

Mobilize our engineers to our Client facilities (under a global approach)
Assigning highly-qualified personnel; taking care of all the logistics necessary for their relocation; providing them with all necessary on-line support and continuously tracking their performance.

Make an active support to Client's team
By means of: aligning our goals with Client’s goals; performing joint field work, side by side with Client’s team, and strongly committing with his project.

Build an technological partnership
Providing our Client with high quality engineering; on-site support and technical assistance for his core activities; a thorough and reliable reporting system (project and process oriented); best control tools and management tools; best industry-practice and on-site support for operations improvement.